We are extremely proud and happy to announce that the honey harvest from the hives installed on the roof of our factory, was a real success, exceeding all our expectations. This harvest, carried out with passion by SLAT beekeeping team, is the result of meticulous work and a harmonious collaboration between man and nature.
Thanks to their expertise and ideal conditions, we were able to gather over 100 kg of multi-flower honey of exceptional quality and flavour.
This abundant harvest is the fruit of the hard work of over 100,000 workers bees, who tirelessly labored to create this delicious nectar. Their role in pollination is essential. By hosting beehives on our site, we are actively contributing to the preservation of biodiversity.
That’s the reason why we have decided to train to beekeeping a team of 9 volunteers every year.
We are also taking a further step in our fight against climate change, by supporting sustainable practices that respect the environment.